January 14, 2006

Lakeland college marries religion to politics

Wingnut speaker featured at 'scholarship gala'

Southeastern University, an Assemblies of God instution of higher learning, featured right wing ding-a-ling Sean Hannity at the college's annual scholarship fundraiser Friday night. Although college officials declined to discuss Hannity's fee, they said it was lower than his normal fee.

"I don't speak as often as I used to," he said. "I did give the commencement speech at Jerry Falwell's school (Liberty University), and I am speaking tonight, so that should give you an idea about where my interests are." (Lakeland Ledger)

As if anyone wondered.

In a brief Ledger interview preceding his daily radio show Friday, Hannity stated, "I am an intellectually honest Reagan conservative."

Honestly, Sean. How many honest people feel obliged to couch their opinions with iterations of their own "intellectual honesty." Honesty requires more than off-air coaching of guests who share your views, or on-air insults of those with contrary opinions. And no amount of jabbing your stubby little pinky in the air can raise your credibility quotient.

Hannity continued, "I believe in very simple principles -- limited government, less government spending, a strong national defense and standing up to evil wherever it exists."

OK, Sean, try explaining your concept of limited government to Michael Schiavo, gays and lesbians, or a rape victim who chooses abortion. Tell us how your party is reducing the national debt. Tell us how the Bush administration's secret program of spying on Americans, or the Iraq debacle that you refuse even to acknowledge, has made us safer and strengthened our military. And, please, tell us how your spumy praise of the man responsible for tens of thousands of deaths of innocent men, women and children squares with "standing up to evil."

A marriage made in heaven?

Southeastern University claims to offer "a vital, Christ-centered education" that prepares students for "a life of world-changing ministry -- both in church-related positions and other professional fields."

Yet college officials continue to schedule the likes of ex-Senator Zell Miller, Alabama Justice Drayton Nabers, and bloviating partisan Sean Hannity -- not for balanced discussion and debate of religious doctrine or political theory -- but as a stamp of philosophical approbation for the world these men envision.

Apparently they spend more time reading the Republican playbook than observing the teachings of Christ. Gleefully and hypocritically, they have turned the promise of a "Christ-centered education" into a doctrinaire marriage of religion to politics.

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