December 03, 2005

Feel the love yet?

Dobson's religious facade fails to mask the hate

Denver--Focus on the Family, the conservative Christian group based in Colorado Springs, is withdrawing funds from Wells Fargo because of its alleged involvement in "pro-gay" causes.

"Focus on the Family has elected to end its banking relationship with Wells Fargo, motivated primarily by the bank's ongoing efforts to advance the radical homosexual agenda. These efforts are in direct opposition to the underlying principles and purpose of Focus, and thus a decision of conscience had to be made, and a stand taken," said a statement on the Focus Web site.

More ....


Missouri Mule said...

It's a toss up to who hates more, Dobson or Babs Bush, Kuz'.
Too bad the bastard doesn't hate the fact that the national deficit is through the roof and our commander in thief is a low life, lying moron. Grrrrrrrr!

Aikäne said...

Amen! Just another hypocrite in sheep's clothing.

He's so full of greed and self-importance the man wouldn't recognize Jesus Christ in person -- even he turned the Colorado River to wine and Pike's Peak to Candy Mountain.

Liz Blondsense said...

I think someone ought to drop Dobson... on his head.

Missouri Mule said...

Oh, you mean the Big Rock Candy Mountain. :) Wink, wink

Aikäne said...

Liz, obviously someone already dropped him on his head, at a young age, no doubt. Wouldn't it be interesting to know the secrets of his life? On second thought, I wouldn't want to know.....

MoMule, that's the one. :)