January 20, 2006

Protesting soon near you: The Church of the Pathetic

Steve Otto, Tampa Tribune, writes:

Coming to a church near you this weekend will be enough venom and hatred to test your "turn the other cheek" beliefs.

They bill themselves as members of the Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka, Kan. In truth they are at the farthest end of the lunatic fringe.

These people hate everything from gay people to Jews to Catholics to the United States of America.


This weekend they plan to come to Tampa. They have announced plans to picket Christ the King Catholic Church, Palma Ceia Presbyterian Church, Without Walls International Church and St. John's Episcopal Church.

On their Web site, they say they also will be at Newsome High School and the downtown school district building Monday.


You wonder that there are groups with the all-consuming hatred this one has, and even more that anyone, even sons and daughters, would take up this man's disgusting crusade.

Aren't there already enough organizations dedicated to hatred and bigotry on this planet to satisfy anyone?

In the universe of bigotry and meanness, they are only a little sideshow in a grimy tent at the edge of society. If you happen to be at one of the houses of worship and come outside and see the posters and hear the chants, leave them to the cops.

Like I said, turn the other cheek. If that includes mooning, then so be it.

More . . . .


Missouri Mule said...

I have witnessed these poor souls for years now around my neck of the woods and believe me, they do not further their agenda. They only prove a point, and it sure as hell isn't theirs!
In my younger days a group of us "sinners" would get together and give them a dose of their own medicine but as we aged we grew weary and realized that they did such a fine job of making fools of themselves they didn't need our help.

Aikäne said...

You're right, they do serve a useful purpose: they show the world the true face of ignorance and hate.

Try as they may, the wingnuts are unable to put daylight between their goals and the goals of their Westboro brethren. They all preach from the same pulpit, sit in the same pew and sleep in the same bed -- from Fred Phelps to Jerry Falwell to James Dobson and the politicans who drink from the same fountain of hate and prejudice. And, by default, the same applies to every single voter who cast a vote for George W. Bush, the Republican Party and their anti-gay agenda.

I've had enough of the sick bastards.

Sheesh, now they're mad that children of gay parents may "crash" a children's Easter egg roll. This from the same crowd that has their own innocent children under 12 waving banners that picture sex acts and aborted fetuses.