March 02, 2006

The Florida Solar Cracker House

I stumbled onto a web site describing "an energy efficient, solar-powered home" in Central Florida.
Interlachen is located southwest of St. Augustine, east of Gainesville and north of the Ocala National Forest.

According to Liz, who published the online document, she and her husband Randy have been living in the house since mid-1998. She describes their successes and failures:

"Our original plan was to use no fossil fuels at all. We have relaxed that ideal a bit, and now have some propane appliances as convenience and backup systems. Our total use of propane is about 30-35 gallons per year, for which we pay about $75, including delivery. We also have a backup Honda gas generator, which we rarely use."
If you're interested in this sort of thing, check out the site with its loads of useful information and photos. . . .
See also. . . .

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